Meet your modern buyer

Understand and engage pet owners on a granular level with access to Canada’s fastest, most comprehensive shopper insights. Numerator’s Canadian OmniPanel provides the omnichannel view across all categories, retailers, and channels that Pet manufacturers need to effectively engage new shopper segments, win back lapsed shoppers, and launch new products.

Omnichannel panelists

Each panelist is tracked across all channels, which is the only way to understand switching.

Comprehensive coverage

Our panel provides unprecedented visibility into behaviour across all channels and retailers, including Pet Valu, Costco, Dollarama, and more.

Technology-driven speed

We can report within days, using % of HHs reporting.

Over 400 CPG companies are growing with Numerator.

Understand the full path to purchase.

Numerator Canadian OmniPanel

shopper insights

Discover what you don’t know with more trips, more channels, and more consumer insights.

Promotions Intel

Quickly and effectively adjust your promotional strategy to better meet shopper needs in a market that is changing by the hour.

Survey Insights

Leverage opinions from verified buyers of your brand— or competitive brands— to inform your strategy for today and tomorrow.

Find out how Numerator can help your brand grow more.

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